Students have been on a roller coaster over the past year with education disrupted, goals and dreams delayed, and just an overall juxtaposition of attitude toward everyday life. It has had a profound effect on many, but some took this opportunity to grow, find new ways to learn and increase their opportunities.
One of those students is Niah Johnson from Brush High School in Lyndhurst, OH. Niah wants to change the worldview on social justice and government policies. “I want to pursue a career in government, and the government is a business, so I decided to start there,” said Niah.
She turned to the Business Academy at Northern Career Institute (NCI). The Business Academy prepares students for the transition to college, technical school, or direct employment. Students can gain college credit and explore several diverse career areas including Entrepreneurship, Marketing, eCommerce, International Business, Management, Financial Literacy, Project Management, Globalization, and Business Law, Finance, Operations, and Management.
Niah has three younger sisters and one older brother. In a family of seven, she was used to responsibility. Besides mentoring her siblings, she participates in three sports, ten clubs, is the President of the National Honor Society, takes outside classes in finance, and is an ambassador for Mentoring, Academic and Community (MAC) – a program for boys and girls to come together on different projects for the community.
To sum it up, Niah is ready to be a leader! She understands how hard it is for students to go to college and incur so much debt. “Leaders want everyone to get an education but the cost makes it so difficult to even get started!” said Niah. The Business Academy at NCI gives students hope of beginning a path towards a solid career.
As for challenges, ironically, Niah said it was really difficult being known as a leader and overcoming her shyness to live up to that reputation. “ I just love to learn and be involved but when it comes to speaking out, I have to step out of my comfort zone,” said Niah. The courses at NCI have given her a safe place to grow and gain the confidence to share her opinions and beliefs.
Niah admits to getting stressed out often and relaxes by playing the saxophone, singing gospel music, reading the bible, watching TV and praying to center herself. She is about to take her next step at Regent University in Virginia Beach, VA, and plans to study government in politics. Her goal is to create change and become the President so she can unite the world.
A special thanks to Michele Clark for capturing this inspirational story!